Thursday, November 12, 2009

As i have turned 27 few days back i just wanna run through a mental checklist of things I've been able to achieve in the past growing up year.

1. make a slave outa my husband. check
2. nurture my evil side. check check
3. do something outa character like 'be nice'. check
4. Practice subtle sarcasm people don't get. check
5. laugh in the face of fear, getting married that is. check check
6. make my husband feel guilty enough to manipulate him. check
7. visit and exotic holiday destination. check
8. not pay for it. check

Now am feeling a lot better about being so much older!!


  1. Since I am spending 10 hours with you let me do the noble deed of helping you access yourself better, at least on the following 3 accounts -

    1. Nurture my evil side. check check -
    You excelled beyond expectation in this sphere, so much so that you will be soon invincible

    2. Do something outa character like 'be nice'. check -
    You've miserable failed in this. Sorry.

    3. Practice subtle sarcasm people don't get. check
    Once again you have come out with flying colours

    May the almighty help all those close to you go through this sweetly poisonous ordeal.

  2. Sohini just becoz am nice to you think i've failed. why don't you ask a certain neighbour of yours to throw more light on this topic? lol

  3. Blasphemy!
    That's what describes you the best...
    Haven't told you this, I went looking for a birthday card for someone who is quite a devil, can you believe it I didn't find a single one that suited your develish standars... If this is the rate at which you scale, soon you will be the Empress of Evil!

  4. empress of evil... i just found the title for my next post!! :) coool

  5. evil side?
    love must be surely blind for me
    i don find one in u
    or i overlook
    and slave?
    women i say
