Thursday, November 22, 2012

The culinary kind

Being an avid masterchef watcher, and having a passion for cooking, i live, breath recipes, cooking terminologies, techniques and never run out of good food. (that's not always good for the waist line though) And the word Chef in my dictionary comes with this ethereal glow!  I always look at them with deep admiration. The power to woo millions of people, the ability to work magic with their flavours, the way they seduce taste buds to come back for yet another helping over and over again. It is all like a dream. A dream i never wanna wake up from. But having stared and idolized so many celeb chefs like Jammie Oliver, Nigella Lawson, Julia Child on television... i never knew what it would be like to actually know a real chef. And learn about the life in the kitchen. And as luck would have it now i have the honour of not only knowing but being friends with two star chefs!

So you might wonder what are the perks of hobnobbing with the culinary kind?
1) the ultimate high with endless food conversations(anytime of day or night)
2) free goodies from the kitchen (utter glee)
3) Having all your questions answered (nirvana)
4) Getting the first glimpse of their creations (cartwheels in the air)
5) getting the right opinion on your food (thumbs up)
6) and being in this whole different world of doughs, stuffings, creams, icings, meat, pies, pastries...
If i could just curl up with that good food blanket trust me i would be in heaven...

With life being like cactus at times, this pillow of goodness is almost unreal. And as i gravitate towards my hatted geniuses i pray that this journey of knowing, sharing, growing never ends and our plates always stay full! And our glasses overflow with good cheer! 

1 comment:

  1. Empathy...who are these two star chefs, though ? Dying to know !
