Thursday, June 17, 2010

the confession of an AD-dict

Advertising is a strange profession. It both exhilarates and annihilates. It's a love that can almost destroy you emotionally and alienate you from society. It pumps you to the top, it hurls you to the bottom. It's an addiction which you can't be cured off, which you don't even know if it's good for your system. It's a high. it's a kick. it's a drug more potent that anything else. It's not a profession, its a culture, it's not a job, it's a way of life... if you are in advertising, you'll see the world in a whole new angle. And you'll laugh at it but alone, 'coz the world will not get your point. The tension when the idea doesn't happen to you, the uncertainty of the apple that might or might not drop on your head. The sudden rush when the idea hits you, when the film just unfolds in your minds eye and you happily type it out, is just unparalleled. Nothing can replace it. It's your love for this art that keeps you almost tied to it even while you are on a holiday, at home, or even at a wedding. It's honestly so overpowering that you seem to leave everything behind for it. I wonder if all of it is a madness at times, and often feel guilty for giving it my all... but i can't seem to resist it. I have surrendered to it heart and soul, and my goofy grin says it all! So am on this ad-venture like Ulysses and do not know where it will take me... but i shall ride the waves, and grab the star dust, and hear the mermaid sing... for it is like the journey of a lifetime.


  1. Somewhere I read a quote..." Advertising is a racket, like the movies and the brokerage business. You cannot be honest without admitting that its constructive contribution to humanity is exactly minus zero!" That's the whole outcome of this Ad-venture! What do you think?

  2. By the way...I just forgot that I'm on the same boat with you mate!

  3. public service ads might help humanity but i think its a profession in which what u do is for yourself, its selfish that way, the joy is yours to feel, we hardly give a damn to truth or lies. It's constructive for you... and it's a great responsibility to help people choose the right brand?

  4. sad though that we often end up misleading the customers saying things we sometimes don't believe in but say nonetheless coz that's the need of the hour. It's fun no doubt but wish there was some more responsible advertising
