our very existence depends on our household helps! i have realised this long back. we are really at their mercy, one day they don't turn up, all hell breaks loose. we resort to home deliveries and end up with heaps of unwashed clothes, piles of dirty dishes in the sink etc etc. At least my house looks like its having a really rough time when my maid takes an off or doesn't show up.
i admit here (just like the 'Sach Ka Samna' contestants) that am absolutely no good as a householder. The roles of the ideal wife/daughter-in-law continue to elude me. I can't even move my ass to get a glass of water. Thanks to my obesity, constant exhaustion, stressful life I've turned into a good for nothing married woman who is completely incapable of managing her own home.
Shame-faced as i was pottering around my house early this morning trying to put together a low-fat tiffin for lunch, she threateningly asked me why she has not been given her salary and it's the 4th of the month already, i make excuses mustering enough courage. As she left slamming the door uttering a sarcastic remark and as my home shook with the after effects i thought to myself that does she almost run my life now? she is in charge of everything and am just a submissive by stander. I always 'request' her to do work that i pay her for, sometimes I'm so scared i clean the bathroom myself, lest she get angry, lest she abandons us, so on so forth and wonder are we all afraid of our maid servants?
I keep thinking 'Mimi be a man er correction woman!! stand up against this oppression!' but then i look down at my obese body and it gets the better of me...aaahhh what's the bloody point anyway....and sink back into lethargy. i have better things to worry about and as my mind does permutation combination with her body and Hitler/Stalin/Napoleon's heads i quietly chuckle and close the door after her.
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