Wednesday, June 16, 2010

waste not want not

Our generation doesn't waste time anymore! But i somehow cannot decide whether that's good or bad? For instance on the potty seat most people talk or text, and it's not just me, i keep hearing from behind the partition in office loo, people texting away to glory! So while you wait for the poo to drop why not utilise the time? Before i fall asleep, i mean i am on the brink of nodding off, am barely conscious, i am possessed by the need to play a quick game on my Itouch... which i do! Then again, i multitask like a lunatic, i face book, i work, i chat, i talk on the phone all together, without any qualms. I can't just watch TV i also need to do something along with it, just like a side dish with main course! 90% people watch TV while eating... which i am guilty of too! Today it's a normal sight for people talk on phone while driving or being driven, nobody does one thing at one time anymore! Lack of patience, desire to achieve a lot more at one go? I don't know what to call it. I think we are racing against time to conquer it. I think that's what man wanted from the start, 'coz it was that one thing that man couldn't master. And that's why i guess we are trying to make every minute count.

1 comment:

  1. So true buddy...I am packing my bag, combing my hair and taking a puff while reading this! lol!
